3.4.5 Manual Installation - Setup and Installation

This description uses LILO for boot loading; other boot loaders such as grub and maybe loadlin and syslinux will also work.

There are two files to take from the ttylinux CD-ROM image, either by burning the image to a blank CD-ROM disc and mounting it, or mounting the CR-ROM image via loop device. In the following commands, the ttylinux version 9.2 CD-ROM image file is named bootcd-i486-9.2.iso.gz; decompress it and mount it via loop device with the following commands, substituting your actual CPU x86_64 or i686 and ttylinux version number 11.0, if needed.

	mkdir -p mnt/ttylinux
	gunzip bootcd-i486-9.2.iso.gz
	mount -t iso9660 -o loop bootcd-i486-9.2.iso mnt/ttylinux

The two files needed from the CD-ROM are the ttylinux root file system, boot/filesys.gz, and the Linux kernel, boot/vmlinuz. You can, of course, use a different Linux kernel, following the ttylinux custom kernel requirements described in section 2.1.1.

There are two ways to install ttylinux for booting, one is to have ttylinux boot with the root file system in RAM disk, the other is to have ttylinux boot with the root file system directly on the hard drive.

Install a ttylinux to Boot Using RAM Disk

Copy the ttylinux file system filesys.gz image and the desired Linux kernel into your boot files directory; probably, this directory is /boot. After copying the two files, unmount the loop device with the following command.

	umount -d mnt/ttylinux

These two files, the kernel and the file system image, can have names other than the file names from the ttylinux CD-ROM. For this example the file names are changed from the names on the CD-ROM: the compressed ttylinux file system image file is called ttylinux-filesys.gz, the Linux kernel is called ttylinux-vmlinuz and the boot dirctory is /boot. Add the following section to /etc/lilo.conf:

image = /boot/ttylinux-vmlinuz
	label  = ttylinux
	initrd = /boot/ttylinux-filesys.gz
	root   = /dev/ram0

Run the LILO boot loader installer by typing /sbin/lilo. The next boot will have the option of selecting ttylinux at the LILO boot prompt.

Install a ttylinux to Boot with File System on a Hard Drive

A hard drive partition, or a flash drive partition, of at least 8 MB is needed to install ttylinux. For this example ttylinux is being installed on drive partition device /dev/hda8 and the kernel and file system files are available via the loop device instructions above. A loop device also is used to mount the ttylinux file system image file.

	cp mnt/ttylinux/boot/filesys.gz filesys.gz
	gunzip filesys.gz
	mkdir -p mnt/filesys
	mkdir -p mnt/newroot
	mount -t ext2 -o loop ./filesys mnt/filesys
	mount -t ext2 /dev/hda8 mnt/newroot
	cp -a mnt/filesys/* mnt/newroot
	cp mnt/ttylinux/boot/vmlinuz mnt/newroot/boot/ttylinux-vmlinuz
	umount -d mnt/ttylinux
	umount -d mnt/filesys

The new ttylinux root file system is still mounted; it needs to be customized before booting. Configuration is described in the following section 3.4.6; it includes a description of a LILO configuration for booting the new ttylinux installation. After configuration unmount mnt/newroot.