2.1 System Requirements

ttylinux is intended to eventually run on several different CPU architectures; however, version 8 directly supports only the Linux i386 CPU architecture, this is the x86 architecture for PC compatible computers, specifically the i486 CPU instruction set.

CPU and Computer
ttylinux 8 requires i486SX or newer processor in a PC compatible computer. It will not work with the i386 CPU; the glibc version in ttylinux uses CPU instructions the i386 CPU does not have. Any x86 compatible CPU supporting i486, and upward compatible, that is in a PC compatible computer should work.

ttylinux uses an 8 MB RAM disk when booted from CD-ROM, so at least 24 MB of memory are required. The kernel on the CD-ROM is fairly large; it supports a broad range of hardware. Using a custom kernel supporting only hardware for a particular computer, a ttylinux system may require as little as 16 MB of memory. If the file system is installed onto a read/write disk drive, spinning or flash, and a custom kernel is used, ttylinux will run within 8 MB of RAM.
